Tuesday, August 30, 2005

God Will Provide The Offering

Genesis 22:1-13

Abraham has changed. This was the man who felt it necessary to lie for his own safety. This was the man who had taken his wife's maid to his bed because he didn't think God would really fulfill His promise of a son. But here's Abraham, hearing when God speaks, and obeying without question. The change is amazing - it's a change I can hardly imagine.

My son and I have a special relationship. (Actually, I have a special relationship with each of my children, but in this case the relationship with my son is most relevant.) We are both artist, we share a lot of the same interest and we have a lot of the same temperament. I can't imagine how I would react if God asked me to give up my son. As I try to put myself in Abraham's place, it's plain to see that this took a tremendous amount of faith on Abraham's part. There was only one way that Abraham could have done what he did - total and complete faith in God.

As I look at my struggles - at my faith failures, I often feel like Abraham in Egypt. Fear is a primary motivation in my life and it is so hard to trust that God is looking out for me and my family. But God continues to work with me, showing me that He can be trusted and building up my faith in the process. Will I ever reach the heights of faith that Abraham had? I don't know, but I do know that God wants the best for me and that He is working with me everyday to make my faith stronger.


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