Genesis 3:1-9How sad this is - the breaking of a relationship. This is where it all changed. Before this, there was companionship between Adam and Eve and God; now there was distrust, fear, hiding in the bushes. Before, it was a delight to hear God's voice calling them, now it made them run for cover.
What went wrong? Many things, but one of them was that Eve trusted
her judgment more than she trusted what God had told her. Every action is preceded by a thought; what were the thoughts in Eve's head right before she reached for the fruit? She was evaluating whether the fruit looked good, how it would taste, and how great it would be to have the wisdom this fruit promised. She trusted
her judgment over God's. The relationship broke because of a lack of trust.
Then there's Adam. I believe he knew what was happening; he saw the forbidden fruit and knew that Eve had gotten herself into big trouble. He could see where this was going - he was going to lose Eve. The thought broke his heart - she was part of him, they were one, he couldn't lose her. He didn't trust that God (who had given him Eve to begin with) could fix this problem. So he decide to go with her - what ever happened to Eve would happen to him. They would share their fate together. Adam made the same mistake Eve did - he trusted himself more than he trusted God.
A lack of trust is what broke our relationship with God in the beginning. Is it any wonder that trust is
the major issue in our relationship with God now? Trust (faith) is what is required for salvation. Why? Because without it we can't have the relationship - and the relationship is what it's all about; God wants to get us back to those wonderful days in the garden.
Trust is key to building a closer relationship with God. If I want to walk closer to Him, I must learn to trust Him more and more. And that's not easy; I share that feeling Adam and Eve had when they hid from God in the garden. I'm guilty of thinking that
nobody is going to be more interested in my own well-being than I am. I forget that it is God who gives me all the good things I have. It feels natural to trust myself. It feels scary to trust God. But without trust, the relationship can't exist. On the other hand, the more I trust Him, the stronger the relationship.
So, the question is, "How do I learn how to trust God?" I believe that God will help me learn to trust Him. He will give me experiences that show me I can trust Him. And I'm pretty sure He will give me experiences that will test that trust - and as each test proves out, the trust will increase.
Today, I thank Him that He wants to have me for a friend. I thank Him that He will help me learn to trust Him more and more and in doing so, I will have a closer walk with Him.