Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like Father - Like Son

Genesis 26

God told Isaac that He would bless him. He restates His promises to Isaac that He had made to Abraham. And what does Isaac do? He promptly repeats the same mistake that his father made; he lies about his relationship with his wife Rebeckah, claiming she is his sister rather than his wife. This, of course, causes problems. People don't like being lied to and the king, Abimelech, is angry. However, he reassures Isaac and Rebeckah of their safety by making a decree to all in the kingdom that they (Isaac and Rebeckah) are not to be harmed in any way.

Then we see God's reaction. Does He get angry with Isaac? Does He seek to punish him for his mistake? No. Instead, He blesses him, just like He said He would.

I make so many mistakes. My trust level is embarassingly low. And when I realize my mistakes, I often wonder if God can still bless me. The answer to that question is found here, in Genesis 26. Even though we make mistakes and don't trust the way we should, God's love is a constant. He will continue to show us His love even as we blunder through our lives.

Isn't it great to have Someone like that as Ruler of the Universe?
Isn't it great to have Him as the Ruler of your life?
And isn't it great to have a Friend like this?


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